Upanaha is one type type of Swedana (sudation) in which the medicines are made in to a paste after boiling with suitable liquid and applied over a specific area. It is to be covered with Vatahara leaves and bandaged with thick cloth which can be removed after 12 hours.

How it is done?

Saindhava and powdered drugs are to be taken in a vessel along with sufficient quantity of Taila/ Ghrita and Amladravya and then heated.

This mixture is stirred continuously till it becomes thick paste. Warm oil should be applied in the area where Upanaha is to be done. Then the above paste with bearable heat should be applied. The area where the paste is applied should be covered with Eranda patra or other prescribed leaves and bandage to be done with thick cotton cloth. This can be removed and cleaned after 8 – 12 hours followed by oil to be applied.

Duration :
This can be removed and cleaned after 8 – 12 hours followed by oil to be applied.
Done for 7 -14 days or as per Physician’s directives based on patient/ disease condition.

Benefits :
It is beneficial to reduce stiffness of any affected part in body
Reduces swelling and pain.
It improves the blood circulation and thus, mobilizes the waste materials of that area.