sarvanga abhyanga

Abhyanga can be defined as the procedure of application of Sneha Dravya(Medicated oil )  over the body with mild pressure.. Thus taila/ghrita/vasa etc. are rubbed over the body in directions comfortable to the patient. It improves strength and alleviates Vata. Abhyanga is a type of BahyaSnehana. It can be performed as therapeutic procedure as well as preventive procedure.

How it is done ?

The patient is made to sit on the Abhyanga table with leg extended. The oil is to be heated to optimum temperature and applied over the head, ears, and soles of feet. Then the oil should be applied uniformly with mild pressure over the body by two masseurs standing on both sides of the table.

Massage is to be started from scalp, head and move down to neck, upper back, shoulders, upper arms, fore arms, hands and then chest, abdomen, low back and lower limbs. Abhyanga should be done in sitting, supine, right lateral and left lateral positions and prone position. At the end of the procedure the oil on the body is wiped off with tissue paper or towels.

Duration : Usually 30 – 40 minutes.

Benefits :

  • It provides smoothness and improves luster of the skin.
  • It takes care of body-exhaustion
  • It controls Vata (Neurological disorders)
  • It improves vision It induces sound sleep
  • It strengthens the body and gives longevity