Shashtikashalipindasweda also known as Navarakizhi is a Kerala specialty of treatment in which the whole body or any specific part is made to perspire by the application of heated medicinal rice (Navara) puddings externally in the form of boluses tied up in a cotton cloth.

How it is done?

The patient should be properly massaged with suitable warm oil all over the body and head. The paste of Amalaki Kalka should be applied on the scalp. The warm Pottalis (kizhi) should be gently applied in synchronized manner by two masseurs on two sides of droni.

They should ensure that the heat of the boluses is bearable to the patient by touching them over the dorsum of their hand. The temperature of the boluses should be maintained throughout the procedure by continuous use of four boluses.

Duration:The total duration of the procedure may be 45 to 60 minutes. The procedure is usually performed for 7, 14 or 21 days according to the requirement.


  • Its highly beneficial in Neuromuscular condition like cerebral palsy, stroke , motor neuron disease.
  • It nourishes muscles in cases like muscular dystrophy
  • It imparts color to skin and enhances complexion