Patra PindaSweda refers to the Swedana (sudation) performed by specially prepared bolus of medicinal leaves. In this process leaves of Vatahara drugs are cut into pieces and fried with rock salt and suitable medicated oil. This hot mixture is tied in cotton cloth as boluses for application over the body.

How it is done ?

The mixture of leaves and other herbal churnas so prepared is put into a small piece of cloth and tied up into two boluses.

The bolus (pottali) should be gently applied on affected part /whole body  in synchronized manner. This bolus is applied hot to the skin already smeared with warm medicated oil. To maintain its temperature, the bolus is intermittently kept warm by heating on the frying pan.

Duration :

The total duration of the procedure may be 45 to 60 minutes. The procedure is usually performed for 7, 14 or 21 days according to the requirement

Benefits :

  • It reduces inflammation , pain and swelling in joint, spine, muscle
  • It relives the muscle spasms
  • It increases blood circulation