Dhanyamladhara is a form of ParishekaSweda developed as a specialty of Keraliyapanchakarma. It is a process by which the body is made to perspire by means of pouring warm medicated fermented liquid in a specific manner for stipulated time. It is done Sarvanga or sthanika.

How it is done ?

Patient should sit on the droni; talam should be kept on head and sarvangaabhyanga should be done. Sometimes abhyanga is not done according to the condition of the patient. Gauze should be tied around the head above the eyebrows. Ears should be plugged with gauze.

The patient is covered with a thin cloth below the neck.This procedure may also be practiced without covering the body .Warm Dhanyamla is poured with kernels/mugs by two attendants standing on either sides of the droni. The temperature should be around 40oC. Dhara should be poured at a medium speed and from a height of 6-12 cm. This is to be done in the seven positions mentioned in Kayaseka. Can be done hot or cold according to condition. Take new dhanyamla each day.


 The duration of the procedure may be 45 to 60 minutes and usually performed for 7, 14 or 21 days according to the condition of the disease/ patient.


  • This procedure is helpful in inflammatory condition associated with stiffness.
  • Increases the peripheral circulation.
  • Helpful in Rheumatoid arthritis by reducing pain.