Panchakrma is unique treatment modality of Ayurveda(Involves Systemic & Local) in which Bio-Purification is achieved by expelling out endotoxin from the body with due consideration of age and given condition, thusmaintain equilibrium state of Dosha Dhatu and Mala.The panchakarma is conjunction of two words Pancha means Five and Karma means Therapies, it involves five prime therapies namely

❆ Vamana (Emesis)
❆ Virechana (Purgation)
❆ Nasya (Errhine)
❆ Basti (Enema)
❆ Raktamokshana ( Blood letting)

It can be defined as :-

“Controlled disturbance in homeostasis of human body by various therapeutic measures to remove metabolic waste from nearest route, nourish the bodily tissues, modulates immune system which is beneficial for host”

Vamana (Emesis)

The therapeutic procedure in which the toxins are expelled out through oral route by emesis ( act of  medicine induced vomiting ).
This procedure advised in kaphaja disorders, such as Indigestion ,Allergies, Sinusintis, Urticaria, Psoriasis, Asthama, Dandruf, & other kaphaja roga & procedure of vamana is carried out in vasanth rutu /Spring season (Mid March-Mid May)  for healthy individual as a preventive care.
How it is done?
Three phases involved in this treatment under panchakarma Physician observation.
Phase-1 Deepana Pachana
A phase in which the appetite and gut function is improved by means of oral medicine for 3 days or 5 days or 7 days or till proper digestion is established.

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Virechana (Purgation)

The therapeutic procedure in which the toxins are expelled out through rectal route by purgation ( act of medicine induced loose motions).
This procedure advised in pittaja disorders, especially inflammatory conditions plus hyperacidity, urinary problems, acid peptic disorders, haemorrhoids, chronic headache, migraine headaches, skin disorders such as acne, dermatitis, psoriasis and eczema& others.procedure of virechana is carried out in sharad rutu /Autumn season (Mid Sept-Mid Nov) for healthy individual as a preventive care.
How it is done?
Three phases involved in this treatment under panchakarma Physician observation.
Phase-1 Deepana Pachana
A phase in which the appetite and gut function is improved by means of oral medicine for 3 days or 5 days or 7 days or till proper digestion is established.

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Nasya ( Errhine )

The therapeutic procedure in which medicated juices, oil, ghee or milk  is administered through nostril in order to expell toxins, nourish the organs above the like Eyes, Ears,Nose ,Cervical spine , brain , Head and scalp.
How it is done?
This treatment should be done under panchakarma Physician observation. Nasya is done usually after Vamana or virechana , The procedure takes around 30-45 min, It is done in empty stomach early morning .

Purva Karma –
Patient is subjected to karna purna , Mukha Greeva Abyanga (Massage of face & Neck ) with medicated oil as advised by doctor for 20-25 min.
Followed by Medicated Steam is given over face and neck for 10-15 min. 

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Basti (ENEMA)

Among panchakarma Basti Chikitsa is considered as “Ardha Chikitsa” – half treatment of disease can be achieved by Basti chikitsa alone.
The therapeutic procedure in which the medicines administered through rectal route is known as basti.
This procedure advised in vataja disorders, such as Constipation , Brain stroke, Arthritis , Spondylitis, Parkinsonism, osteoporosis, Gout & other vataja disorders & procedure of Basti is done in varsha rutu /rainy season (Mid june-Mid aug) for healthy individual as a preventive care.

How it is done?
This treatment is done under Panchakarma Physician observation.
There are different types of basti  

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Rakta Mokshana (blood letting)

The therapeutic procedure in which the toxins are expelled out through blood letting.
This procedure advised in pittaja & raktaja disorders, such as Acne, Skin Allergies, Urticaria, Psoriasis, Melasma, Pain & procedure of raktamoskhana is carried out in Sharad rutu / Autumn season (Mid-Mid May) for healthy individual as a preventive care.
How it is done?
This treatment is done under panchakarma Physician observation.
The blood letting is done by four different forms
Jalaouka Avacharna– Leech therapy 
Shringa – blood drawn by syringe
Alabu – Blood drawn through vaccum suction
Prachanna – Blood is let out through multiple pricks
Siravedhya – Blood drawn through vein puncture.

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