

Paralysis indicates the loss of muscle function completely in one or more muscle groups. This is usually caused by damage to the nervous system, particularly the spinal cord. The other causes for paralysis include Stroke, Trauma, Poliomyelitis, Cerebral palsy, Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (AML), Gullian-Barre syndrome. Interruption between communications of nerve impulses anywhere along the pathway from brain to muscles cause impairment in muscle movement control, muscle weakness, loss of co-ordination, loss of ability to move muscles. Paralysis can occur on one or both sides of body, lower half of the body (Paraplegia), both arms and legs (Quadriplegia).
Pa ncha ka rma Procedures available:
1. Pizhichil — Complete body massage using medicated oils .
2. Snehapana — Internal administration of medicated ghee or oil.
3. Swedana — Patra pottali / Navarakizhi – sudation
4. Virechana — Purgation
5. Nasya — Instillation of Nasal drops
6. Shirodhara — Pouring of medicated oil on the forehead.
7. Shirovasti — Retention of medicated oil on the head.
8. Vasti — Medicated enema
• Promotes proper circulation inside the channels.
• Removes blockage from the channels.
• Nourishes and stimulat.
the brain cells called neurons.
• Reduces the muscle weakness and increases muscle co-ordWation.
• Increases flexibility by reducing stiffness.
• Relaxes brain and energizes the body.

Bell’s Palsy also lmown as Facial Palsy results from the dysfunction of Facial nerve (7. Cranial Nerve) leads to various symptoms like inability to control facial muscles on the affected side, nimble to close the eyelids, difficulty in holding water in the mouth, difficulty in eating and drinking, numbness, ear pain, deviation in the angle of the mouth, dribbling of saliva We.
Panchakanna Procedures available:
I. Kukkotanda Nimba Swede — Sudation using egg yolk and lemon
2. Abbyanga —Facial Massage
3. Nasyam —Installation of medicated nasal drops
4. Barna Pooranam —Installation of medicated oil into ear.
5. Shirovasti – Retention ofmedicaNd oil on the head.
• Relieves stiffiless of facial muscles.
• Helps in stimulation and activfiion of facial nerve.
• Improves the strength of facial muscles.
• Fastens the recovery process by reducing tbe complications.
Paralysis indicates the loss of muscle function completely in one or more muscle groups. This is usually caused by damage to the nervous system, particularly the spinal cord. The other causes for paralysis include Stroke, Trauma, Poliomyelitis, Cerebral palsy, Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (AML), Gullian-Barre syndrome. Interruption between communications of nerve impulses anywhere along the pathway from brain to muscles cause impairment in muscle movement control, muscle weakness, loss of co-ordination, loss of ability to move muscles. Paralysis can occur on one or both sides of body, lower half of the body (Paraplegia), both arms and legs (Quadriplegia).
Pa ncha ka rma Procedures available:
1. Pizhichil — Complete body massage using medicated oils
2. Snehapana — Internal administration of medicated ghee or oil.
3. Swedana — Patra pottali / Navarakizhi – sudation
4. Virechana — Purgation
5. Nasya — Instillation of Nasal drops
6. Shirodhara — Pouring of medicated oil on the forehead.
7. Shirovasti — Retention of medicated oil on the head. 8. Vasti — Medicated enema
1. Activates neuron cells in the brain to secrete dopamine naturally.
2. Provides unctuousness to the cells in the brain.
3. Reduces dryness in the body.
4. Helps in reducing the serverity seen in the symptoms
Cerebral palsy refers to group of disorders the affect the muscle movement and coordation. Cerebral palsy is caused by damage to the motor control centres of Me developing brain and can omur during prepancy, during Mildbirth or alter birth up to about age three. It is one of Me most common calls. of motor disabilities in cbildhood. Signs and 9,110,16 V, ,VV,y such as difficulty in sucking or ea.., delay M speech development, difficulty in walking (walking on toes, crossing or wide gait), delay milestone, tremors, lack of muscle coordination, stiff musclm, involuntary movements, seizures, urinary hwontinence, intellectual disabilities etc. Panebukurma procedures available:
1. Abkyanga —Massage
2. Nasya — Instillation of nasal drops
3. Shlroplehu —Placing of cotton swab dipped M medicated oil on the centre ofthe head.
4. Shirodhara —Pouring of medicated oil on the forehead
5. Navarakisbl— Sudation using navara rice
6. Vasti— Medicated enema.
• Reduces Me spasficity and stiffnms of muscles.
• Improves Mood and lymphatic circulation.
• Increase, muscle tone, muscle bulk and muscle power.
• Helps in reduction or 1wpm-excitability reflexes.
• Provides lubrication to Me joints and increases flexibility ofjoints.
• Stbnulates Me sensory centres in the brain.
• Alleviation the symptoms ofneurological manifestation.
• Helps in improving motor Mrictions like crawling, silting, walking etc.
Asthama is a chronic inflammatory disease characterized by the narrowing of ainvay channels. Phis disease gets triggered up when exposed to cold climate or cold air, allergens in the air, viral infections, heavy exercise, during early morning and night times. Patients of Asthma suffer from various symptoms like Cough, Oreathlasness, Shortness of breath, chest pain, wheezing and tightness while breathing.
Panchakarma Procedures available:
I. Snehana: Intake of Medicated oil or ghee.
2. Swedana: Complete body fomentation
3. Vamana. Periodical Emesis
4.Vireechana: Medicated Purgation. Benefits:
Collects accumulated toxins from the sutable channels of the entire body and eliminate it.
• Eliminates the excessive accumulated mucus.
• Clear the channel passages.
• Removes the constriction and narrowing of the airways.
• It improves lung capacity.
• Facilitates easy breathing.
Sinusitis is the inflmnmation caused by too much mucus or swelling of the lining of she sinuses and nose which can block the narrow channels. Common cold, allergic rhinitis, nasal polyps, deviated nasal septum are the common conditions that cause nasal blockage. Nasal diseharge, cough, heaviness min the head, nemache, me* a the face, blocked nose, congestion, foul smell in the breath etc. are the symptoms seen M the sinusitis and generally pemists for 4-8 weeks. Panebakarma procedures available:
I. Nneya-Inetillmian of medicated powder or oils into the nom.
2.Thalam — Retention of medicated paste in the centre or head
3. Dhumapana —nation of medicated smoke.
4. Shirodhara —Pouring of medicated oil over the forehead.
5. Vamanam – Periodical emesis. Benefits:
• Reduces inflammation in the sinus.
• Prevents accumulation of mucus intim sinus.
• Eliminates the toxins from Me nasal charnels.
• Removes the blockages and facilitates easy breathing.
• Fights against infection and reduces reoccurrence of the disease.
Allergic rhinitis also knovm as bay fever is a group of symptoms affecting die nose. Allergic rhinitis develops when the body’s Mune system becomes more sensitized and over reacts to certain specific allergens present in the environment that typically cause no problems in most people. Specific allergens include dust, smoke, pollens fforn grass. trees and weed, pet eigarene smoke. p.m, die. exhauct etc. Common symvoms oce stwezing. nmnY nose, itchy nose, conghkg, watery eyes, Pequent headaches, eczema fatigue etc.
Panchakarma procedures avallable:
1. Snehapana — Oleation.
2. Swedana — Fomentation/Sudation
3. Vamana — Periodical emesis.
4. Virechana — Medicated purgation.
5. Basayana — Preventive medication therapy.
• Collects tbe acumulated toxins Pores and eliminates them.
• Detoxifies the entire system.
• Provides relief from alit be symptoms.
• Activates the immune cells by strengthening the immtme system.
• Helps in prevention and reoccurrence of Me disease.
Obesity bas become one of the most common lifestyle disorders among various age poops. Obesity or over weight is caused due to multiple reasons like excessive eating, lack of physical exercise, sedentary lifestyle, hormonal imbalances, hereditary reason, side effects of certain medication, stress, unhealthy lifestyle etc. Obese persons are more prone to develop heahh problems Ile high cholesterol, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, heart disease, stroke, cancer, Mfertility, PCOD, osteoarthritis, fatty liver etc.
Panchakarma Procedures available:
I. Udvartana — Dry massage with herbal powders.
2. Abby.ga —Body massage using niedicated
3. Swedana — Steam bath Fomentation.
4. Obanyamla dhara — Pouring of fennented gruel all over the body.
5. Vamana/ Virechana —Periodical emisis and purgation.
6. Lekhana vasti— Medicated enema.
• Mobilizes the clogged and accumulated fat.
• Clears and eliminates fat from the minute pores and subtle channels.
• Improves the metabolic capacity.
• Prevents accumuLition of fat in the body.
• Brings lightness to the body.
Diabetes mellitus is a chronic metabolic disorder resulting in hyperglycemia(high blood sugar) and glycosuria (sugar in urine). Food we consume is generally broken cewn into simple sugar called glucose in our body. Glucose circuleies in the blood and enters the cells with the help of insulin. Ins. is a hormone produced from the beta cells of pancreas. Me to sedentary life style, Lack of physical activity, improper diet ced regimen etc. and genetic predisposition, Me beta cells are not capable enough to produce sufficient insulin or cee M incelin resistance, glucose circulatce in Me hbod wiceout gceing absorbed into the cells. Symptoms include increased frequency °Inane, constant feeling of thirst, increased appetite, sudden loss of weight, delayed wound healing, burning sensatcen in the palms and soles etc. Panchakarma procedures available:
1. Udwartana — Massage using dry powder.
2. Takradbara — Pouring of medicated buttermilk over forehead.
3. Vamana — Periodical emesis.
4. virechana — Modicated Purgation.
5. Basti —Medicated enema. Benifits
• Improves the metabolism and increasce the glucose absorption in the cells.
• Reduces the insulin resistance and preve.s from developing further cotcelications.
• Maintains proper lceod glucose levels.
• Eliminates Me accumulzded Mxins in the body.
• Rejuvenates and activates the system
Polycystic ovarian syndrome is one of the most common endocrine disordas amoryg women of reproductive age. It is considered as one of the leading causes of infertility. Lifestyle changes like food habits, stress, improper work schedule, sleeping habits; disturbance in FIPO axis, obesity and excess a androgen production due to hyperinsulinemia, hp,othmidism, genetic factors etc. are etiological factors of PCOS. Signs and symptoms include menstrual disorders (oligomemorhea amenerrhea menorrhagia), infertility due lo armvulation, high levels of androgen causing acne and hirsutiern, obesity, insulin resistance Panchakarma procedures available:
1. Udwartana — Massage using dry powder.
2. Takradhara — Pouring of medicated buttermilk over forehead.
3. Vamana — Periodical emesis.
4. Virechana —Medicated Purgation.
5. Basti / Uttara Basti —bleMcated enema Benefits:
• Eliurnes the accumulated toxins from the body.
• Normalises the hormonal secretion by correcting the funcfion of HP0 axis.
• Improves the metabolism and reduces Me insulin resistance.
• Corrects and maintains the duration of menstrual cycle.
• Helps in maturation of immature follicles/ cysts.
Thyroid dimmdem mainlY two types — Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism. Hypothyroidism is a condition in which inadequate functioning of thyroid gland results in reduced levels of thyroxin secretion. Symptoms include weight pin, sluggishness of bodily function, slow pulse rate, hoarseness of voice, irritability, decreased immune fitnctioning with recurrent infections, constiparation etc. Hypenhyroidism is a condition characterized by overPmduction of too much thyroid bonnone resulting in over activ e metabolic rate. Symptoms include rapid head rate, palpitation, freqwnt bowel movements; swelling of thynid gland, excess fatigue, weight loss etc. Panchakanna procedures available:
1. Yemen. YeModical emesis
2. Virechana MedicMed purgation
3. Nasyn — Instillation of nasal drops. Benefits:
• Improves the Moctioning of thyroid gland.
• Normalizes the secretion of thyroid hormone.
• Corrects the metabolic activity.
• Maintains the equilibrium in hormonal secvetion.
• Increasm the functioning of itnmune system.
• Alleviates all the sYnPto. gradmllY.
Cervical Spondylosis is age related condition that affects the joints and discs U3 your oak region. It mainly develops from the wear and tear of cartilage and bones, resulting in narrowing of Me space and compression of nerve roots that origMate from Me spinal cord and pass through the rest of the body. Symptoms of cervical Spondylmis include severe pain, stiffness, tingling sensed°, numbness in arms, hands, difficulty in bending etc. Panchakarma procedures available:
I. Pizhichil— Massage.
2. Parta pinda swede — Sudation using herbal leaves.
3. Shastila shag pinda swede — Sudetion using navare rice.
4. Nasya -Instillation of nasal drops.
5. Greeva mad —Retention of medicated oil over the neck.
6. ShirovaMi — Retention of medicated oil on the bead.
Agni Karma ChIldtea: Thermal cautery—Specially designed Para surgical procedure for providing instant relief Mom pain and helps M quick recovery.
• Provides lubrication in between cartilage and bones.
• Reduces pain, inflammation and stiffness.
• Relieves the nerve compression.
• Pnomotes proper blood circulation.
• Improvm the flexibility in the joints.
Rheumatoid arthritis ia an autoimmune disease which causes chronic innammatirm M the joints. Multiple joints and organs get affected in this disease, causing joint destruction and functional disability. Morning stiffness, tenderness, warmtl, swelling, pain in multiple major and minor joint, loff of appetite, sleep difficultie, nodules under the skin etc. are the symptoms seen in disease. Symptoms of this disease at the earlier stage appear subtle with mMor joint paM. stiffness alai fatigue, hut gradually worsen over a period of time if untreated. Panchakarma procedures available:
1. Snebapana — Intake of medicated oil or ghee.
2. Vireehana —medicated purgation.
3. Vasti — medicated enema
4. flhanyamla dhara — pouring of fermented gruel
5. Naranga Kizhi – sudation using lemon.
Agra Karma Chikitsa:
Thermal cautery — Specially designed Pam surgical procedure for providing instant relief fiom paM and helps M quick recovery. Benefits:
• Reduces inflammation all over the body.
• Increases the digestive power and metabohs.m.
• Eliminates the accumulated toxins from all the channels of the body.
• Reduces stiffness and pain by providing lubricafion to the joints.
• Increases the range of motion in the joint.
• Improves the immune system by activating immune cells.
• Provides relief from all the symptioms and comPlications gradually.
OsteoartMitis is the mom common form of degenerative joim disease affecting millions of people around the world. This form of arthritis is caused due w the wear down of protective cartilage on the ends of the hon. over time. Osteoarthritis can occur in any joint, hut usually affects knees, hips, hands or wine causing pain, swelling, tenderness, Wanes, loss of motion and floxibility of the joint. Panclarno Procedures available:
1. Sarvanga dhara — Pouring of medicated liquids or oils.
2. Sochapana —Internal adnOnistration of medicated ghee or oils.
3. Swerlana — Fomentation or sudation
4. Virechene — Medicated purgation
5. Janu vesti 11(411 vast — Retention of meditated oil over affected area.
6. Anuvessne vesli / Metre vaell — Medicated enema.
Agni Kerma Chikista Thermal cautery — Specially deAgned Para surgical procedur• for providing Imam relief Rom pain end helps in quick recovery
• 54duces pain and swelling.
• Provides lubrication to the joints.
• Removes the blockage of subtle channels.
• Provides strength and improves blood cerculation to the muscles and nervours around affected area.
• Reduces stiffness sod Unproves the flexibility of jont.
It is a condition in which shoulder joint gets affected resulting in immobilization of the joint. The capsule around the joint gets stiffened, stretched and a scar tissue is formed, by which.e movements become difficult. The symptoms sem in the frozen shoulder are pain, weakness, loss of movemem, grinding qe.n.tim during movement, numbness, tingling sensation of hands and fingers,range of motion will be reduced. Penelsakarms Praedures available:
1. Nasya — nsn enonof nasal drops.
2. Naranga Idzhi — Sudadon using lime pieces.
3. Petra pinda Sweda- sudation using herbal leaves.
4.Kangadhara—Pouring of medimted oil over a affected part.
5. Abhyanga —Massage over the affected part .
• Reduces stiffness in the joint.
• Reduces Pain and inflamation in the affected part.
• Improves the blood circulation.
• Restores the flexibility and range of motion.
Lumbar Spondylosis is generally considered m Low ba.ck pain among common people. OW it is basically a degenerative condition which affects the lower spine causing narrowing of the spate between Me vertebrae. Tbis leads to various symptonw starting from back pain, radiating pain, numbness, tingling sensation, unsteady gait and other neurological problems. This condition is usually caused in old age people (above 40 years), but witneSSed in manY adults (30-40 years) during recent dimes due to various occupational causes.
Panchakarma Protedures available:
I. Obanyamla dbara — Pouring specially fermented medicinal gruel over Me affected area.
2. Abbyanga —Complete body massage using medicated oils.
3. Swede. — Fomentation
4. Ela Kizhi — Sudation using herbal leaves.
5. Navarakield — Sudation using nevem rice.
6. Kati Vasti —Retention of medicated oil over the lower back.
‘7. Matra Vasti — Medicated enema.
Agni Karma Chikista :Thermal cautery — Specially designed Para surgical procedure for providing instant relief from pain and helps in quick recovery.
• Improvm Wood circulation in the lower back region
• Reduces inflammation and Pain
• Rejuvenated the disc, vntebra and joints.
• Strengthens back muscles, maintains normal curvature of the spine and bony issues.
• Reduces the stiffness and heaviness
• Alleviates the compression of nerves between discs and decreases radiating pain. MIN
Sciatica is a term mentioned for Me pain originating fiorn the sciatic nerve. Sciatic nerve is the longest nerve in the body, starts at the back of the pelvis and nms downward through the hip area and buttocks into each leg. Sciatic pain occurs due to many causes like nerve root compression, disc problems like bulging disc and degenerative disc disease, pregnancy, spinal stenovis, trauma etc. Excruciating pain, homing sensation, radiating pain from hips to knee, numbness, difficulty in walking, bending, standing and doing husehold chores etc. are the symptoms seen in sciatica.
Panchakarma procedures available:
1. Abbyanga —Massage
2. Patrapoliali Swedam— Sudation usMg herbal leaves
3. Kati vasti— Retention ofmedicated on the lower back
4. Matra vasti— Medicated enema.
Aigni Karma Chilkista: Thermal cautery — Specially designed Para surgical procedure Mr provkling instant relief from pain and helps in quick recovery.
• Reduces Mc inflammation pain and stiffness.
• Alleviates the numbness.
• Relieves Me nerve root compression
• Improvas blood circulation in the affected area.
• Strengthens and nourishes the back muscles, joints and soft tissues around spine.
Eczema also known as atonic dermatitis ia a condkion where patch. of skin become inflamed, itchy, red, cracked, and rough. It is common in children but can occur at any age. In this the immune system is affected causing Mflarnmation in the skin. Symptoms vary accordiug to the age of Me person but they Mien include dry skip itching. red to grey patches especially on hands, feet, ankl., wrists, inside the bend of elbows and knees. cracked. scaly skin, small ra ed bumps with exudation etc, eczema gets triggered by environmental facto. like smoke, pollen, cerk..ods such as nuts and dairy products etc.
Panchukurma procedures available:
I. Virechana — Medicated purptiom
2. Nalitamokshana — Bloodletting.
• Detoxifies the complete body.
• Strengthen the immune system
• Poifies the blood
• Corrects the root cause and allivates the symptoms.
Vitiligo or Lencodema is an acquired de-pigmentation of Me skin. There would be a gradual loss of pigment called melanin ftom the dermal layers that results into white patches. Leucodemia can occur at any age, person and in any skin type. The most affected areas include Me hands, the neck, the back and the wrists in the order. S,rtaptoms observed in lcucederma include small white patch which gradually expands with time. premature greying of loss of hair, loss of sensitivity in Me skin patches etc. Racarchers have suggested vitiligo as am-immunological, neumlogical or auto-cytoroxic origin.
Panchakarma procedures available: 1.Virechana— Medicated purgation.
2. Vanillin— Periodical emesis.
3. Raklamokshana — Bloodlating.
4. Twak varnya prasadana — Improving pigmentation of the skin.
• Corrects the fimetion of melanocytes.
• Improves the production of melanin.
• Strength the Immune system.
• Reduces the size of the patches gradually by bringing normal colour lo the skin.